When high school ends, youth seems to end and a new stage begins. Leaving home, childhood friends and parents, moving to a different city and starting a new life on a university campus it’s a big change. College is a decision that many Americans make and that generates many changes in personal life.
The decision to start studying at university is not easy for young people, even though for some it is usually seen as a hasty obligation. The college is a life decision, but it can be changed. That doesn’t mean that the decision is not important. What do you think?
Origin of The Choice
Since childhood, children are asked what they want to be when they grow up. Many of them say they want to be firefighters or astronauts, but reality is bringing them new possible jobs. The situation changes in high school, when students begin to ask themselves more frequently what they will do after graduation.
The first decision that students make is about whether to study at the university or not. Influenced by parents or by choice, for many, college is the best option. However, there are other people who are aware that the academic field is not for them and prefer to dedicate themselves to a technical job. All these decisions are taken at an early age, leaving room for many insecurities and doubts.
University: Chosen Path
For many, it is a great joy to study at the university of their dreams. There is even more joy in cases where young people study the career they wanted. Others, however, must settle for a similar career
at a university or college that was not the one they aspired to. In either case, studying at any university or college is a learning opportunity that should not be missed by anyone.
Admission And Scholarships
Admission to universities is not easy and is also very expensive in the United States. That’s the reason that many families borrow for decades to pay for their children’s college. Also, those savings may not be sufficient in many private, or even public, universities and colleges.
This situation means that a good part of the students who decide to start studying at a college or university ask for scholarships, credits or financial aid. In that way, students begin to become independent from their parents and achieve their dreams. Either way, the determination usually wins and the talents are rewarded, so that the chances of entry increase.
Why Is The University Chosen?
Starting work gives more income than studying and working part time. But many young people choose the university because they see their life concretized through a specific profession. The university is precisely a universe of options, where each person can only go to the branch that most caught their attention and develop interesting research in their area. On the other hand, the university is a space for personal growth, where the rest of the activities can develop a transdisciplinary attitude in the student.